εταιρικές αρχές της Randstad.

Σύμφωνα με τις βασικές μας αξίες.

randstad's business principles.

based on our core values

to know

We are experts. We know our clients, candidates, suppliers and other business partners. In our business it is often the details that count the most

  • We know and comply with international human rights principles, Randstad’s internal policies and procedures, and the laws that govern our business.
  • We know and comply with competition and antitrust laws.
  • We know and comply with the laws on insider trading and market abuse of Randstad’s shares or securities.
  • We make sure that our records (including those containing personal information) are created, used, stored and destroyed in accordance with the law.

to serve

We succeed through a spirit of excellent service, exceeding the core requirements of our industry.

  • We conduct business in a fair and ethical manner and avoid any situation that could create a conflict of interest, or the appearance of conflict, between the interests of Randstad and our private interests.
  • We do not offer, pay or accept bribes or anything of value that could create undue influence or the appearance of inappropriate behavior.
  • We do not offer or accept gifts or hospitality or anything of value that could create undue influence or the appearance of inappropriate behavior.

to trust

We are respectful. We value our relationships and treat people well.

  • We treat others fairly, act with care and consideration and respect human rights. We do not tolerate intimidation or harassment in any form.
  • We respect the right to privacy, ensure that confidential information is kept confidential, and do not abuse the confidential information of others.
  • We do not misuse Randstad property, including hardware, software, systems and databases, for personal purposes.

simultaneous promotion of all interests

We see the bigger picture and take our social responsibility seriously. Our business should always benefit society as a whole.

  • We value diversity and inclusion. We are committed to equal opportunities and do not discriminate on the grounds of age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, nationality, race, ethnic origin, religion, cultural background, sexual orientation, or any other irrelevant or illegal characteristics.
  • We do not engage with anyone who is connected with terrorism or other criminal activities.
  • We do not make contributions to candidates for public or private office, to political parties or other political interests.

striving for perfection

We always seek to improve and innovate. We are here to delight our clients and candidates in everything we do, right down to the smallest detail. This gives us the edge.

  • We regard health and safety in our business as the utmost priority. This includes both our own employees and our candidates (temporary workers).
  • We maintain and provide full, fair, timely, accurate and understandable contracts, records and financial information.
  • We take into account and seek to minimize the environmental impact of our business.

Randstad is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and respects and supports its ten principles with respect to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. The principles regarding labor are those outlined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work: freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, effective abolition of child labor, and elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. We are committed to make the Global Compact principles part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of Randstad and the ten principles are therefore regarded as part of our Business Principles.

Randstad recognizes that it also has a responsibility for its external relationships. In its interactions with its candidates, suppliers, customers and other business partners, Randstad strives to uphold the Business Principles and encourages our continued active dialogue with stakeholders in the world of work. The Business Principles are our minimum standards but, in addition, we must always ensure that we comply with all laws, human rights principles and Randstad’s internal policies and procedures; no one is authorized to violate them. If the Business Principles conflict with local law then local law must be followed while striving to act in the spirit of the Business Principles. Some of the Business Principles will be outlined in more detail in separate Randstad Policies and Procedures as required.

In the event of a breach of these Business Principles, employees should first raise concerns through their normal (local) reporting channels, either through local management lines or regular local contacts, such as via identified confidants, complaint desks etc. Reporting to management is usually the fastest and preferred route, and the best way to ensure a good and open work environment throughout the Randstad Group.  

If local reporting channels are likely to be inappropriate or ineffective, the Randstad Misconduct Reporting Procedure (also known as Whistleblower Procedure) should be used but this should be considered as a last resort. All concerns raised in accordance with this procedure will be treated strictly confidentially and with the complete assurance that there will be no retaliation against any employee filing a good faith complaint. Reports will be investigated promptly and corrective action will be taken where required to resolve issues satisfactorily. Although reports under the Misconduct Reporting Procedure can be submitted anonymously, if the complainant reveals their identity this greatly facilitates the investigation of the report.