what is an account manager?

As an account manager, you contact the company's clients or customers. You have a heart for the customers and care for their needs and concerns. However, the job requirements vary based on the client's needs at that time. You may be a salesperson, offer technical support, provide financial advice, or take on the role of a customer service representative. You serve as a liaison between the customer, the sales department, and other departments and teams that may impact the client's account. It is your job to ensure that the client stays satisfied and your employer gets a sizable return on the money they invested in acquiring the client.

Good account managers are not focused on selling a product or service. Your focus is on helping customers and clients solve problems or achieve their goals. You should be able to communicate with staff, management and customers. It is also important to prioritise relationships over sales and forgo short-term wins to foster long-term relationships. As an account manager, you use customer relationship management (CRM) software to manage customer data.

Would working as an account manager suit your customer service skills? Then read on to find out what competencies and qualifications you need to thrive in an account manager role.

account manager jobs

average account manager salary

According to the Economic Research Institute, the average salary of an account manager in Greece is approximately €40,500 per year. You earn an approximate hourly rate of €20, with the possibility of taking home a bonus of €4,000 yearly. In an entry-level position, you start with a lower salary of €22,000 per year. With experience and additional qualifications, your salary increases gradually, with senior account managers earning over €51,000 annually.

how to increase your salary as an account manager

As an account manager, your earnings fluctuate based on various factors. Experience and company size are the main factors that influence your earnings. When you have extensive experience in customer service, you can negotiate higher pay. Having additional qualifications also boosts your earnings.

The company and industry you work for may affect your earnings. When you work in technology companies, your duties involve providing technical support to customers. The complexity of your duties and the value of the products can increase your earning potential. Working for a large company also pays higher wages due to unlimited resources and additional benefits.

Your work location affects your earnings due to differences in job demand and the cost of living. When you work in a large city, you take home a higher salary, resulting from the high demand for account managers in urban areas.

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types of account managers

Account managers typically fall into two primary categories:

two females meeting at a restaurant
two females meeting at a restaurant

working as an account manager

Working as an account manager is an exciting career that allows you to grow your skills in the customer service and marketing fields. Discover the duties, work environments and work schedules of account managers in Greece.


account manager skills and education

Some of the educational qualifications of an account manager include:

  • Education: to work as an account manager in Greece, you should pursue a university degree in business administration. Some senior positions may require postgraduate studies. You also need an excellent command of English and Greek.
  • Work experience: you require extensive experience to work as an account manager. You can gain experience through customer service roles and entry-level marketing positions. Most senior account manager positions require at least three to five years of work experience.

competencies and characteristics of account managers

The qualities of an account manager include:

  • Communication skills: it is crucial to communicate well over the phone, via email and across departments and teams. You should be comfortable addressing C-suite executives, managers and sales reps. You are expected to address clients professionally and maintain good working relationships.
  • Knowledge of the field: knowledge about the company and customer expertise is required. As an account manager, you nurture relationships and need in-depth knowledge of the company and its customers. It also allows you to identify growth opportunities that match the client's needs with the company's services.
  • Ability to look ahead: a strategic perspective beyond short-term goals allows you to orchestrate long-term deals and relationships to create a mutually beneficial strategy. You should prioritise long-term relationships over short-term rewards, which requires forward-thinking skills.
  • Leadership skills: leadership is necessary for account managers because they interact with many parts of the business. You should show confidence and command respect from clients and co-workers. You inspire sales representatives to improve lead generation.
  • Negotiation skills: negotiation skills help account managers sell products to customers. You need a sense of timing, good presentation skills, and the confidence to know when to push and when to pull back.


Here, you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the profession of an account manager.

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