what is an electrical engineer?

As an electrical engineer, you deal with electronics, power, control systems and signal processing. You apply physics and mathematics to design and develop electronics. You rely on computer-aided design (CAD) software to create schematics for electrical components and create simulations illustrating the system functions of electrical devices. You also carry out maintenance and test the devices to ensure they work properly.

Electrical engineers work in various industries, including power generation stations, telecommunications companies and instrumentation development companies. Despite the differences in specialisation, all electrical engineers keep electrical systems up and running in organisations. You make sure that all systems are well maintained and perform system upgrades promptly. You are also responsible for planning and initiating electrical projects. Once a project is underway, you participate from the development process to the final installation. Furthermore, you offer continuous guidance to company management on all electrical issues and supervise other electrical technicians.

You need various skills to become an electrical engineer, from basic circuit theory to project management skills. You also require proficiency in using specialised tools, such as simple voltmeters, high-end analysers, and advanced design and manufacturing software.

Would working as an electrical engineer suit your project management skills? Then read on to find out what competencies and qualifications you need to thrive in an electrical engineer role.

electrical engineer jobs

average electrical engineer salary

According to the Economic Research Institute, the average salary of an electrical engineer in Greece is €45,500 per year or approximately €22 per hour. You may also get an annual bonus, averaging €1,680. Your earnings depend on experience and qualifications. In an entry-level position with minimal experience, you start your career earning a salary of €31,200 yearly. When you have years of experience and can handle complex projects, you earn a salary of €55,500 annually.

how to increase your earnings as an electrical engineer

Your salary as an electrical engineer depends on experience and qualifications. When starting in the role, you earn a lower salary, but as your experience improves, your earnings increase. Your area of specialisation may also significantly improve your earnings due to the complexity of the projects for some specialisations. For instance, working in manufacturing or power engineering requires additional expertise, improving your earning potential.

The size of the company also influences your earnings. When you work in a small company, you are likely to earn less due to the limited resources. In large organisations, you work on complex engineering projects that require additional expertise. Working with organisations that have unlimited resources and large budgets also increases your earning prospects.

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types of electrical engineers

Electrical engineering is a broad field in which you can specialise in different categories, depending on your preference. Here are some types of electrical engineers:

female operating a machine
female operating a machine

working as an electrical engineer

Working as an electrical engineer involves the application of physics in order to design, develop, and control electricity and electronics. Here's a breakdown of the typical responsibilities, work environment, schedule and job expectations of an electrical engineer.


electrical engineer skills and education

Here are the qualifications you require to become an electrical engineer:

  • Education: complete a bachelor’s degree course in electrical engineering to work as an electrical engineer. If you want to specialise in other areas, start with a degree in applied physics, mechatronics or electromechanical engineering. While it isn’t mandatory, having a master’s degree in robotics or electrical engineering gives you a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Licences and work experience: you require a professional licence to practise as a certified electrical engineer in Greece. You can get a licence if you have a diploma certificate or a bachelor’s degree from a Greek higher education institution (HEI). You should also register with the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-TCG) to become a licensed electrical engineer in Greece.

competencies and characteristics of electrical engineers

Some qualities for success in electrical engineering include:

  • Professional skills: in terms of design, production and safety, you should be conversant in all relevant theories and applications for the success of your engineering projects. These include mathematics, circuit design, project development and electrical systems maintenance. Apart from basic engineering education, you are required to prepare projects effectively. The relevant skills you need in this case include sketching, drafting, and budgeting for large and small projects.
  • People skills: as an electrical engineer, you should be a good leader. You ensure your engineers and technicians do everything properly and meet deadlines. You also need good communication skills since you collaborate with peers, as well as people inside and outside the profession, such as clients and regulatory officials. Therefore, you should be able to break down technical terms and communicate other details in a simple manner.
  • Problem-solving skills: problems tend to occur in the course of engineering work. Therefore, you need sound problem-solving skills in order to solve problems and troubleshoot issues.


Here, you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the profession of an electrical engineer.

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