what is an HR manager?

As a human resources (HR) manager, you contribute to the success of a business by handling issues related to its employees and maximising their value in the company. Your duties involve recruiting new employees and managing them to ensure they become valuable assets to your employer. Aside from performance management, you also handle promotions and the training and development of all staff in the company.

To do an excellent job, you should focus on individual employee needs and the work environment. For instance, ensuring workers have a conducive work environment to boost productivity is vital. Aside from supporting the company's staff, you deal with uncomfortable aspects of employment. For instance, you handle HR violations, lay off workers and discipline employees.

Your specific responsibilities vary depending on the size of the company. Small businesses usually have one HR manager to cover all the duties, while in a large company, you are likely to handle one aspect of employee management. You also develop human resources policies, improve recruitment practices and ensure employment regulations are adhered to in the company.

Would working as an HR manager suit your people? Then read on to find out what competencies and qualifications you need to thrive in an HR manager role.

HR manager jobs

average HR manager salary

According to the Economic Research Institute, the average earnings of an HR manager in Greece is €47,500 per year, equivalent to an average hourly rate of €23. Companies also pay HR managers an average bonus of €3,500 per year. When you are new to the role, you start with a lower salary of €32,500 yearly. As an HR manager, your earnings fluctuate based on your qualifications and work experience. In a senior HR manager role, you can take home over €58,000 annually.

what factors affect the salary of an HR manager?

As an HR manager, your earnings vary based on experience. When you have minimal experience, you start with a lower salary, which increases as you improve your expertise. Senior-level HR managers take home higher earnings due to the complexity of their roles and the high rank they hold in the company. Having professional qualifications and certifications also boosts your earning potential.

Small companies are likely to pay HR managers lower salaries due to the limited resources. In a big company, you handle a large team of employees, and the complexity of the tasks warrants a higher salary. Large organisations also have more resources, so they can afford to pay better salaries and offer additional benefits.

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types of HR managers

In a small business, you handle all HR tasks alone, but in large companies, you tend to focus on one of the following areas:

close up, smiling woman
close up, smiling woman

working as an HR manager

To become a successful HR manager, you need a knack for recognising talent and expertise in organising personnel in a company. Let’s dive into the responsibilities, daily tasks and career opportunities of HR managers.


HR manager skills and education

To work as an HR manager in Greece, you require the following educational qualifications:

  • Education: pursue a bachelor's degree in human resources, psychology or business administration. When you complete your undergraduate programme, you can go for a master's degree to improve your skills and gain knowledge in leadership.
  • Work experience: as an HR manager, you require extensive work experience to improve your skills. Consider entry-level jobs in human resources to gain relevant knowledge and skills.

competencies and characteristics of HR managers

Aside from academic qualifications, you need exemplary technical and soft skills to become an HR manager. Some necessary skills include:

  • Communication skills: you need excellent communication skills since you link the company with the best talent in the industry. Your communication ability helps you provide clear instructions to employees and report the progress in your department to stakeholders. Knowledge of various modes of communication is crucial to your success and promotes transparency.
  • Administrative expertise: since your role involves scheduling and filing, strong administrative skills will help you manage your tasks more efficiently. You should organise your tasks to avoid missing deadlines or forgetting important details.
  • Proactive: if you are not proactive, you will miss red flags and the signs of problems until they escalate. You should pick up employee issues when they arise and deal with them promptly. With proactivity, you can keep up with emerging trends in work culture and technology.
  • Coaching skills: employee training and development skills ensure growth and help you motivate workers. You need coaching skills to train employees and organise workshops for professional development. These skills are also helpful for onboarding.


Here, you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the profession of an HR manager.

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